

The Guardian has a feature: The best of British blogging. Winning the "best written" category is Belle de Jour the diary of a London call girl that definitely looks interesting.


Taxes, schmaxes.
Generation WWW
This guy has got to go ...
Bush's WMD joke draws criticism
So it's Saturday afternoon and we just did some gardening and now I'm doing taxes, while listening to music, and Brothers In Arms starts up. Well, that get's me thinking about the Two Cathedrals episode of The West Wing, which, of course, is the best drama episode ever to appear on television.

BTW, happened to see this while looking for the Brothers In Arms link:
Brothers in Arms?

So while I'm googling the West Wing I suddenly decide to try googling Google, wondering if there's a recursive link in there somewhere. Of course, Google leads to Google, but that's far less interesting than all the other stuff i found, particularly at Google Watch like:

Google as Big Brother
Thomas Friedman asks, Is Google God?
Google's Cookie
Is Google broken?
Search Term Demo
Google's Privacy Policies
Google-Watch Blogometer

Then, there's the link that brought me to Blogger and started this whole thing ...
How bloggers game Google

followed by some other related stuff:
Google Weblog
Google Grumbles (Brian Livingston @ eWeek)
Web Logs for Lawyers: Lessons from Ernie the Attorney

and finally:
Booble and Booble legal


So here we are. At the start of a new information highway. Let's start the engine and head down the road.

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